Are We Being “Smart” or Creating More E-waste?

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Feb 13th, 2023



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Our smart devices are ever-evolving, from our phones to our watches and everything in between. Many are trying to keep up with the latest and greatest. Each year, there seems to be a newer model of the previous device, with manufacturers and providers alike offering a financial incentive to upgrade.

So what happens with our old devices when we upgrade? They may become e-waste. 

Whether your device stops working because it reaches its end of life or you cast it aside because you’ve upgraded, what do you do with it when you are no longer using it? Recycling or finding someone who can use the device is really the best way to keep more e-waste out of landfills. It’s important to consider how you’re disposing of this tech. If it breaks, it can still hold data, and in some cases, even if it is factory reset. 

These can be referred to as Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Currently, it is estimated that this year the number of  IoT devices will grow by 18% to 14.4 billion, and that number will continue to climb through the years. Are you making sure that you’re doing your part to keep them out of our landfills? It may be time to rethink the process! 

What is an IoT Device?

IoT devices are a network of devices that contain sensors, software, and various other technologies that have internet connectivity. These can be household devices like Nest Thermostats, Amazon Echoes, smart watches, or even large devices like connected cars that start with keyfobs instead of a physical key.

Proper Disposal Is Vital

The best way to reduce your impact when it comes to purchasing new IoT devices is to make sure you’re using what you already have until it dies. We often get excited about the latest technology, but that can come with a lack of concern when it comes to the disposal of devices. 

As consumers, it is easy to look forward to the updated features that a new device may bring and therefore forget how the chemicals that are in our old devices will impact our environment. Heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, and beryllium as well as chemicals like brominated flame retardants, can impact the health of our communities. 

Finding a reliable electronics recycler is a crucial factor for responsible recycling. Some companies send e-waste to landfills in Africa and Asia for reusable materials to be manually harvested. After what can be taken out, the scrap remains, which often ends up in the ocean. 

Securis is a certified R2 electronics recycling company, and we ensure that all of our downstream vendors are as well. If you’re looking for a responsible place to dispose of your e-waste, contact us today!