hard drives being crushed

Reliable, Certified, Environmentally Responsible and Secure Data Destruction Services


The extreme costs of a data breach (both financially and to your company’s reputation)  means that making sure that you deal with your IT asset disposition in a safe and environmentally responsible way is more important than ever. Securis can provide secure on-site data destruction and sanitization services for the ultimate security of sensitive data. We use several methods to sanitize your data. Wiping, Degaussing, Shredding, and Micro Shredding, also known as Disintegration.

Data Wiping

At Securis, we follow NIST 800-88 guidelines that help determine whether data destruction should occur at the purge or destroy level.  If purge level sanitization is prescribed, we wipe drives to NIST 800-88 and DOD standards. Wiping is the best choice for sustainable recycling, as drives can be reused once sanitized. Wiping is a more sustainable solution than shredding, as equipment can be reused. Learn more about our drive-wiping services.

wipe hard drives
Degaussing machine


Your computer disposal isn’t complete with simple e-waste recycling. To protect your company, customers and employees, you need to ensure that there is complete data hard drive destruction. That means you should consider degaussing every drive that’s contained or accessed your company data. Degaussing before shredding is the ultimate in secure equipment disposal.  Learn more about our degaussing service.

Hard Drive Shredding

When it comes to your secure IT Asset disposal needs, Securis’ industrial shredding services are the foundation of our secure and certified data destruction processes. Our proprietary trucks allow us to safely destroy data both on-site at the customer’s location, or securely in our access-controlled facilities. You can be sure that after shredding occurs the e-waste will be disposed of following and exceeding all legal standards. Learn more about our hard drive shredding service.

Hard drive shredding machine
Disintegrated media drives 2mm particles

Classified Data Destruction

Did you know that Solid State Drives (SSDs), flash drives, smartphones SIM and memory cards, and micro SD cards can literally fall through the cracks of most data destruction and recycling processes? That’s why we’ve added a “microshredding” option that goes beyond traditional shredding and pulverizes devices into 2mm e-crumbs as recommended by the NSA rendering all data completely illegible. Learn more about our disintegration service


Process Security

Θ Locked storage bins for collection of media

Θ Asset tagging and scanning

Θ Customized service delivery; logistics and pickup

Θ GPS tracking of trucks

Θ On-site and off-site degaussing

Θ Micro Shredding

Θ NAID certified for mobile operations

Θ Attend to media to be destroyed at all time

Staff Security

Θ Pre-screening of technicians

Θ Background checks

Θ Fingerprint records

Θ Significant training

Θ Lead security technicians

Θ 2-way mobile communication devices

Θ NAID certified for mobile operations

Θ Drug tests on all employees


Secure Access Controls
Escorts for Visitors
Dedicated areas for data destruction

Data Destruction