Finding Balance
Electronic waste disposal (e-waste) has become a pressing issue in today’s technology-driven world. E-waste, which includes discarded electronic devices like computers, smartphones, and other data-bearing equipment, presents significant sustainability, budgetary, and data security challenges. According to the EPA, only 12.5 percent of U.S. E-waste is properly recycled. E-waste represents just 2 percent of America’s waste in landfills but makes up 70 percent of overall toxic waste.
Companies and government entities must balance the need to comply with data security regulations and dispose of e-waste in the least ecologically damaging way possible while managing their budgets by avoiding exorbitant disposal costs. Organizations that focus too much on information security will likely blow out their budgets and won’t meet their sustainability goals. Organizations that focus too much on sustainability or cost could create a situation where they have a significant data breach.
An Information Technology Asset Disposition (ITAD) company that employs Certified Secure Data Destruction Specialists (CSDS) can ask you questions about your requirements and help you determine the most effective method of computer recycling.