Securis, Inc. was chosen to receive the 2010 Fairfax County Public Schools Career Connections award. Last month, in Securis’s news section, we wrote about our nomination for the award. Securis was honored to win the award from such a valued partner. The awards ceremony was held on May 13th at Robinson Secondary School.
This award is a great honor because it reinforces why PC Recycler continues to work within the community, whether giving the local students a place to “experience” learning or donating to the WFCM Food Pantry.
Chantilly High School Career and Transition Services nominated us. They highlighted us because of our consistent, beneficial relationship with the Career and Transition Services for five years. Every year, students from Chantilly High can spend a few class periods per week outside of the typical classroom setting. Please read more about the nomination in Securis News.